Grace to you and
peace from God our Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Amen
The LORD makes the woman of a childless
house to be a joyful mother of children. Hallelujah!
Sometimes God’s
grace comes to us in very concrete ways.
I remember a
member of my congregation in Thompson Falls citing this verse as her hope. God hears the cries of a barren woman, and
makes her the mother of children.
They ended up
adopting their two children through Lutheran Community Services.
Karla’s brother
and sister adopted our niece.
Our neighbors and
friends in Sandpoint adopted a son.
A colleague in
ministry adopted a daughter from China.
For them, grace
was a bundle of joy, a baby, perhaps an older child, but one to call their own
and to love and care for.
What made
adoption so special for them from a spiritual perspective was the experience of
receiving from the Lord’s hand that which they could not conceive of on their
Of course there
is also great joy when we give birth to a child.
The delight is in
the gift of a child, not in the means of delivery.
In Biblical times
it was about blessings and curses.
God’s blessing
was experienced in abundant crops, productive herds, and many children.
God’s curse was
experienced when crops failed, herds of animals did not thrive, and when women
were barren.
From Sarah
onward, the scripture tells the story of one woman after another that was
barren, yet by God’s grace, became the mother of children.
And in each case
there is great joy.
Joy because of
the gift of the child.
And joy because
the curse has been lifted.
Mary’s song, the
Magnificat, becomes the song of every mother:
"My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked with favor on the
lowliness of his servant.
Surely, from now on all generations will
call me blessed;
This is part of a
larger theme that runs through the scripture, namely, that God has a deep
concern for the plight of the lowly, the poor, the outcast.
Mary’s song goes
on to say:
He has brought down the powerful from their
and lifted up the lowly;
he has filled the hungry with good things,
and sent the rich away empty.
It is the concern
for the poor that is the focus of Amos’ words from our first lesson:
Hear this, you that trample on the needy,
and bring to ruin the poor of the land,
. . . buying the poor for silver and the needy
for a pair of sandals, and selling the sweepings of the wheat.” The LORD has
sworn by the pride of Jacob: Surely I will never forget any of their deeds.
Think about this
for a moment.
We worship a God
who is concerned about a childless mother, and a motherless child.
We worship a God
who champions the cause of the poor and the outcast.
The God who called
into being the entire universe, cares for the least of these, his children.
That’s grace.
We live in
contentious times.
One of my
observations is that whenever we seriously consider the implications of a
Biblical faith for our daily lives, there are those who say we are getting “too
But this is the
God cares about
the barren mother, and the motherless child.
God cares about
the poor.
God cares about
the outcast.
God cares about
God cares about
refugees and immigrants, otherwise why would God say: “The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among
you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt:
I am the Lord your God.”? (Leviticus
So here is a
question for you.
Are caring for
the poor, welcoming the stranger, feeding the hungry, lifting up the lowly,
healing the sick, matters of faith? Or
And which comes
Does our faith
shape our politics?
Or do our
political convictions shape our faith?
matters. It says something about who is
truly our God.
Jesus says:
“No slave can serve two masters; for a slave
will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and
despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.”
Is wealth a bad
thing, then??
Well, if we are
honest, wealth can be either a blessing or a curse.
In the Bible,
wealth is often associated with God’s blessing, for example, when God blessed
Jacob with much wealth.
But the
accumulation of wealth is also seen as a great evil, for it so often comes at
the expense of the poor.
One question to
ask ourselves is whether our wealth is used to serve God and our neighbor? Or do we use our wealth and power to oppress
and subdue others?
God is in the
business of lifting up the downtrodden.
And we are in the
business of doing God’s bidding in the world.
That’s our
To be God’s hands
and feet in the world.
To do his work.
One of the most
compelling and troubling things for me, is the realization that people will
learn more about the God we worship by observing our actions, than by listening
to our words.
Is our God a
loving and compassionate God?
Well, do we act
in loving and compassionate ways?
If we truly
believe that God is loving and compassionate, then our own actions should bear
witness to that.
There’s another
side to these matters.
It’s not just
about what we should do for others, it is also about what God has already done
for us.
We are to love,
because God first loved us.
We are to care
for the poor, because God has first cared for our needs.
We are to feed
the hungry, as we have first been fed.
We are to lift up
the lowly, as we have first been lifted up.
We are to welcome
the stranger, as we ourselves have been welcomed.
Day to day stuff.
We have been
blessed so that we can be a blessing.
And therein lays
the single most important question for each of us as we live out our faith.
How can I be a
blessing to others, as I have been blessed?
I have been
forgiven, can I be forgiving?
I have been fed,
can I do the feeding?
I have been
welcomed into this community, can I in turn welcome the stranger?
I have been
loved, can I love others?
Can I be an ambassador
of God, offering to others what I first have received from God?
This is not
always easy.
On Tuesday,
during our study, a man came into the church and requested money for gas and
food. And his primary concern seemed to
be money for gas.
What I’ve learned
over the course of my ministry is that we should never give out cash as that
often enables drug addiction and other problems.
And so Tuesday, I
didn’t give him any money, but rather offered him some of the food we had
collected for the food bank. He took a
can of stew.
This is where we
need to be shrewd. What is wise? What is truly helpful?
Caring for the
poor is one thing, but enabling drug addiction by giving out cash is
another. That’s the struggle.
But the fact that
offering assistance in a helpful way can be challenging is not an excuse for
not trying to begin with.
And perhaps we
have to allow for the fact that our assistance will be abused by some, in order
for that same charity to get to those who really need it.
There is another
side to this. My colleagues and I were
talking about the soup kitchen at All Saints Lutheran, and the criticism they’ve
received that they are just feeding drug addicts and enabling their addiction. Our response was that the reason we feed even
drug addicts, is that a dead drug addict can never be cured.
That’s why we are
to show mercy in all our charitable work.
Because that mercy may one day save that person. And that is the work of God. To save the lost.
It’s who God is.
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