Grace to you and
peace from God our Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Amen
I’ve been
preaching a series on grace these last few weeks, and we will continue with
that theme today.
I actually didn’t
intentionally choose to do this, it’s just how the Spirit moved me.
Grace is
offensive. That was the first
Grace is
offensive because it runs counter to everything we believe about right and
wrong, justice and that strong belief we have that those who do wrong should be
punished, while those who do right ought to be rewarded.
I used the
example of granting amnesty to those who have come to our country
illegally. That would be offensive to
us. Our sense of right and wrong says
that if foreigners want to live here then get in line, apply for a visa, and
wait your turn. Anything else offends
our sense of justice.
But so also does
the grace of God’s forgiveness. It’s just
not fair. Punish the evil doer. Reward the righteous. That seems right.
But Jesus proves
his love for us in that “while we were yet sinners, he died for us.” While we were yet sinners.
grace offers forgiveness, not punishment.
It’s offensive to us until that point when we become aware of how
desparately we need it.
But we are not
entitled to grace. That was last week’s
One of the
reasons grace is offensive is because it attracts those people who most need it
but least deserve it.
That's the nature
of Jesus' love.
Whether it was
the people in his home town, or the religious elite, the scribes and Pharisees—the
people who felt as though they deserved God’s special favor often left empty
at the same time it was those who the world had rejected, tax collectors and
sinners, the leper, the outcast, foreigners, the riff raff of Jesus’ day who
were drawn to Jesus and the message of grace and love he shared.
line is that you cannot merit the unmerited favor of God. That’s grace.
Today, we shift
our focus.
What is the
nature of grace when it touches our own lives?
Grace splashes in
on us like breaking waves on the seashore with a message of the goodness of
life and the unconditional love of God.
When one’s life
is deeply impacted by a grace filled moment it’s as though the whole world is
filled with goodness leaving us to say, “This was a God thing.”
That’s grace.
Grace is even
more overwhelming than it is offensive.
Such is God’s
Today’s Gospel lesson
gives us a good insight into the grace of God.
Jesus’ was
teaching the crowds gathered on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, also known as
the lake of Gennesaret.
He asked to use
one of the boats there, and Simon Peter let him speak from the boat just off
the seashore so that the crowds would not push in upon him.
After he was done
speaking, Jesus tells Simon to set out into the deep and let down his nets.
Peter objects at
first, saying “Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing.
Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.”
And so they did.
What happened was
beyond their wildest expectations.
So many fish that
the nets were breaking, and even with the assistance of the other boat there,
they almost sank trying to bring the fish on board.
When we were
first married we had fishermen as our neighbors in Gig Harbor, WA. Purse Seiners.
One of them told
us the story of the ‘good old days’ salmon fishing in Puget Sound.
It was 1930.
There was a worldwide
They set their
nets, and in one setting they gathered in 10,000 salmon. 10,000.
Back then they got
$1 per fish, so that was $10,000 in one set of the nets. Adjusted for inflation that’s the equivalent
of about $150,000 in today’s market.
That’s the kind
of catch the disciples had that day.
And this was after
a night of fishing where they had caught absolutely nothing.
Jesus overwhelms us
with grace.
Not only that,
but grace is God doing for us, what we cannot accomplish through all of our
hard effort and labor.
I’ve shared with
you my struggles with alcohol.
I apologize for
returning to that, but it’s one of the most significant life experiences I’ve
had. And through it, the grace of God
One of the most
grace filled moments of my life is that Karla stayed by my side when I hit my
rock bottom.
As my drinking
started spiraling out of control those last few months, Karla made the decision
to get out of the situation.
When I drank to
excess, she would retreat to a friend’s home where she’d spend the night.
And then came
that day, October 14th, 2012.
I had received
news of a major conflict brewing in my congregation and I went into a rage.
I tried to drink
the rage away.
I started
drinking at 2 in the afternoon, and that afternoon and evening I went through a
fifth of Scotch, and then at the end, some of the Ativan I’d been prescribed
which made matters much, much, worse.
For some unknown
reason, Karla stayed by my side that night.
When I finally
collapsed, taking a nasty fall, she was there to nurse me and help me through
the remainder of the night.
The combination
of alcohol and Ativan almost killed me.
The next morning
my journey to sobriety began.
Since that time,
I’ve never even been tempted to pick up a bottle and drink again.
Grace. Far more than I deserved.
It came in the
form of a wife staying by my side during the worst of times.
And in God’s
removing from me the desire to drink.
And in hind
sight, it was just overwhelming. I didn’t
deserve it. We never do. And neither could I have won that battle on my
But by the grace
of God, I’m here today to tell the story.
One of the
responses we often have when we’ve been overwhelmed by the grace of God, is the
response that Peter had.
“Go away from me,
Lord, for I am a sinful man!”
But God will have
none of that, and that again is grace.
Jesus responds to
Peter’s declaration of his sinfulness by calling him to ministry.
“Then Jesus said
to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.””
There are two
things I’d like to point out about grace that are evident in the turn of events
in this story.
First of all, God
can use anybody to carry out his ministry.
Peter says: “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful
Paul says: “For I am the least of the apostles, unfit to
be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace
of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me has not been in vain. On the
contrary, I worked harder than any of them—though it was not I, but the grace
of God that is with me. Whether then it was I or they, so we proclaim and so
you have come to believe.”
And I say: “How
is it that I, a recovering alcoholic who suffers from bipolar disorder, and who
has sinned in many and various ways, can be and remain a pastor?”
The answer for
Peter, Paul, and pastors such as myself is the same.
It is not I, but
Christ working through me. And Christ is
not hampered by our sinfulness.
The question each
of us is faced with is NOT “are we worthy to be servants of Christ?” but rather
“can Christ work through us?”
And the answer is
that yes, Christ can work through you and me, in spite of our unworthiness.
The second aspect
of God’s grace in this story of the abundant catch of fish is that God can do
for us what we are unable to accomplish on our own.
It’s not about
you. It’s about Jesus.
I’ve struggled to
an extent since I’ve come here to be your pastor. I was full of optimism and quite confident as
I began my ministry here. I thought that
my thirty years of experience might bring significant growth to the
congregation. Maybe.
But often it
feels a lot like Peter may have been feeling that morning alongside the shores
of Galilee.
“Master, we have
worked all night long but have caught nothing.”
I don’t know what
the future holds for us.
I’ve kind of
resolved myself to the reality that we are not likely bound to become a large
But this is the
We might not make
an impact on a lot of people’s lives.
But through us
Christ can make a lot of impact on a few people’s lives.
That’s what I
think about today.
It’d be wonderful
for my ego if we had so many people coming that we couldn’t fit them all in the
sanctuary, like the disciples couldn’t fit all the fish in the boat.
That’s not likely
to happen.
But we can touch
people with a word of grace.
If even one
person comes to know and believe in the love of God for them, and the grace
freely given to them, then it is enough.
It makes it all worthwhile.
Now I think less
about how many people we will reach and more about who that one person will be
whose life will be transformed by the Gospel we share.
We may never even
know who that person is. . .
All we need to
know is that Jesus can work through us to share his love with the world and his
grace to all in need. Amen
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