Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord and
Savior, Jesus the Christ. Amen
As I enter into
the final years of my ministry my youthful optimism has faded.
I also find
myself feeling quite jealous of my father’s generation of pastors.
In the years
following World War II the veterans who had returned from the war, as well as
the whole nation dedicated themselves to building the United States into what
it is today.
With Europe
struggling with the enormous task of reconstruction, the United States was able
to immerge as a Super Power, with the strongest economy in the world, and
coupled with that a military that surpassed all other nations.
It was a time of unparalleled
prosperity and community building.
All those
veterans returned home to begin raising families and as a result our nation
experienced the ‘baby boom’ of the post war years.
The Church
thrived in this context.
As families grew
by leaps and bounds, so did the Church.
Suburbs were born
to house these new families, and the Church followed with new mission
congregations being formed all across the nation.
after congregation found themselves bursting at the seams. There was not enough space to accommodate all
the growth. And so there was a great
building campaign that took place all across the Church.
As an example of
this, I remember my Father’s first four congregations that he served.
His first parish
was in Ronan, MT where he was the first full time pastor to serve that
congregation. They had built a parsonage
to house our family, and because of the growing size of their Sunday School the
basement of our home included additional space for Sunday School classes.
After a few years
we moved to Worland, WY where Dad served a new mission congregation that had
been started a few years before. The
Church was growing so fast that they didn’t even wait to gather a
congregation. The national Church simply
identified a community, built a building, called a pastor, and let the pastor
go find a congregation to fill the building.
Then our family
moved back to South Dakota. In Irene
three congregations merged to form Calvary Lutheran Church and built a large
new building.
The next
congregation Dad would serve was in Wessington Springs, SD, and they also were
the merger of a number of small rural parishes and had just built a large new
building in addition to a parsonage.
When Karla and I
got together, while we were still students at PLU, we immediately joined the
congregation where Arden, and his wife were members, Mountain View Lutheran
Church in Puyallup. It was an older
congregation, but one which was now flourishing with new growth from all those
baby boomers coming of age and moving to Puyallup. They too had just recently built a marvelous
sanctuary, one of the most beautiful I have ever seen.
And then after Karla
and I got married we moved to Gig Harbor so that we could be part of a new
congregational start, Agnus Dei Lutheran Church.
It was through my
involvement at Agnus Dei that I decided to enter the ministry.
With all my heart
and soul I anticipated being able to serve the Church as my father had, and I
imagined that this tremendous growth and development would continue unabated.
I imagined
becoming a mission developer pastor and starting new congregations as well.
But something
The world
In the thirty
years since that time, people stopped flocking to the Church.
Those educational
wings that had built during the fifties and sixties now had far more space than
was needed.
One example of
how radically things had changed was that, as I mentioned before, the Church
used to just build a building and then go find a congregation to fill it, now
at the end of this period, congregations were forced to worship in temporary
worship space, in school gymnasiums and the like, for ten to twenty years
before they might get a building.
But even more
striking than that, was that in large part the Church simply stopped developing
new congregations.
Peace Lutheran,
as well as Agnus Dei, was one of the last congregations formed during this
period of great expansion.
Still there was
This room in
which we are worshipping was intended to be the fellowship hall. As the congregation grew it was anticipated
that we would build a much bigger sanctuary to house the larger congregation.
But as is obvious
to us, now thirty years later, the congregation didn’t grow.
It’s like the
Church all of a sudden lost the ‘midas touch’.
The world
During the post
war years everyone went to Church.
Now, not so much.
Our country is
becoming more and more secular.
When I look back
and remember the optimism with which I entered ministry, and then reflect on
the reality that I experienced throughout the thirty years that I have served,
I find myself getting depressed.
It is easy to get
Jesus just doesn’t
seem to matter much to people anymore.
And for those who
continue to cling to the faith, whose commitment to the church remains
steadfast, the empty class rooms and sparse attendance at worship is simply
We are not the
first ones to experience such emotions.
Our lesson from
Isaiah this morning was written at a very difficult time for the Israelites.
Their nation had
David’s Kingdom,
which they thought would last forever had been defeated.
This people who
had once been in slavery in Egypt, but who had been delivered by God at the
time of the Exodus, who had seen the birth of Israel as a nation, and witnessed
the glory of the Kingdom under David and Solomon, were now, once again in
slavery, only this time in Babylon.
Everything had been
And more than the
things that they had lost, was the hope that they had lost.
For generations
they believed that God would always be with them, and now it seemed that God
had abandoned them.
This is the
experience of God’s people throughout the ages.
We go through
We experience
times of prosperity and great hope.
Times when it seems like God is right here, doing marvelous things in
our midst.
And then we go
through times of despair, when we feel God has abandoned us, when all is lost.
This is nothing
This ebb and flow
of history is simply the way it is.
During the good
times, faith seems easy, and yet in some ways it is untested.
During the hard
times, it can be difficult to maintain faith at all.
It is during
these hard times that Isaiah’s words are so important.
If we would
rekindle the faith within us, we begin by simply remembering.
Isaiah says:
“Look to the rock from which you were hewn,
and to the quarry from which you were dug.
and to the quarry from which you were dug.
Look to Abraham your father
and to Sarah who bore you;
and to Sarah who bore you;
for he was but one when I called him,
but I blessed him and made him many.”
but I blessed him and made him many.”
The world is
constantly changing, but God remains steadfast and faithful, his love constant
throughout all the ages.
God, who promised
a child to Abraham, remains faithful to his promises today.
God, who heard
the cries of his people when they were in slavery in Egypt, still hears the
cries of his people when they call out for help.
God, who led the
people of Israel through the wilderness to the Promised Land, still leads us
God, who
established the Kingdom of David, has not abandoned Israel, nor us.
God, who sent
prophet after prophet to the Israelites, still raises up faithful servants for
the Church today,
God, who promised
a Messiah to save his people, remains faithful to that promise today.
God, who became
flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth, remains with us today.
God, who raised
Jesus from the dead, still breathes new life into his people of every time and
God, who sent the
Spirit to gather the faithful from every corner of the world, still blows
through our midst creating faith wherever and whenever he sees fit.
God, who blessed
his people in the good times and comforted his people during the difficult
times, speaks words of comfort and hope to us today.
Indeed, it was
this God that promised to Peter that he would build his Church upon a
foundation so solid that even the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.
“Look to the rock from which you were hewn,
and to the quarry from which you were dug.
and to the quarry from which you were dug.
Look to the God
who breathed life into the lifeless clay, the God who so loved the world that he
gave his only begotten Son so that all who believe in him may not perish but
have eternal life.
Look to the God
who created you.
Look to the God who redeems you.
Look to the God who Spirit empowers you.
Look to the God whose steadfast love endures for ever.
And know this,
that nothing in all of creation will be able to separate you from the love of
God that is ours in Christ Jesus.
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