Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen
Imagine a Church where people weren't very "religious", didn't spend a lot of time worrying about heaven, but instead devoted themselves to just three things:
-- Doing Justice
-- Loving Kindness
-- And walking humbly with God
I want to be part of that Church.
Do You?
A while
back, during one of my visits, I was asked a question.
what is your vision for Peace Lutheran?”
hesitated to give an answer, for at the time I didn’t yet have a well
formulated answer to give.
besides, I’m still new here, and for a vision to have a real impact on our life
it has to be a shared vision. Perhaps
that’s the challenge for us during this first year of my ministry. Can we cultivate a common vision for the life
of Peace Lutheran that will shape our life together in the years ahead?
And then,
l preparing for this week, I read again these words from the prophet Micah:
He has
told you, O mortal, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice,
and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
I love that verse.
I have a carving of it hanging in my office.
vision for the people of Israel is that this is how they would respond to the
saving acts of the Lord.
They would
give up all their “religious acts”, their sacrifices and offerings.
They would
abandon all their attempts to justify themselves before God.
And instead,
they would strive for these three things:
Doing justice
Practicing loving kindness
And walking humbly with God.
I want to
be part of a Church like that.
I really
And so I’m
asking myself, and I’m asking you, is this vision that God has for his people,
a vision that can shape our future as a congregation?
Can we, as
a congregation, commit ourselves to those things that really matter?
And not
worry about the things that don’t matter?
One of the
funniest moments for me in worship came during a children’s sermon that my
youth director was giving.
She asked
during the sermon, “What do you have to do to get to heaven?”
response from one young boy was priceless:
Out of the
mouths of babes.
The thing
is that he was right and she was wrong.
There is not a whole list of things that we must do to get to
heaven. God has taken care of that. That’s what Jesus did for us.
die. We go to heaven. Simple.
She couldn’t
grasp that.
But when all
we think about is how we are going to get that ‘final reward’, there is a lot
we forget.
We are so
consumed with ourselves, that we forget that we are called to love one another.
To do
And simply
to be in a relationship with our God.
While I
was in seminary, we took the confirmation class on a tour of the state capital
in St. Paul, and then right down the road, to the St. Paul Cathedral. It was a rainy day, and I was wearing a hat.
As we
walked about the cathedral, looking at the statuary, I noticed a little old
lady come walking slowly across the sanctuary.
She eventually passed by me, and without stopping or even looking at me,
she said:
“Hat on in
Church, not much sense.”
It’s a
curious thing, our religious inclinations, our pious actions.
Men are
not supposed to wear hats in Church.
Women, on
the other hand, are required to cover their heads. Apparently, you women out there didn’t get
the notice. Seriously, when we went to
Russia Karla was required to have a scarf to cover her head. And if women didn’t have one, the Churches
provided one.
The truth
is that these things don’t matter.
simply don’t matter.
is what Luther called them.
Truth is
there are a lot of things that we do that simply do not matter. Religiousity, piety, behaving in certain ways
in Church, and other ways at home.
God doesn’t
care about your hats, or how you fold your hands in prayer, or whether you bow
before the altar, or even what you have to offer.
Love one
And have
Jesus as your constant companion along the way.
difficulty is that doing justice, loving our neighbor, and walking with Jesus,
gets messy.
There is a
refugee crisis in our world.
People are
fleeing war torn countries.
Whether it’s
from Syria, or Africa, or Central America, people are fleeing for their lives.
The Pope
has repeatedly advocated on behalf of the refugees, saying in the strongest of
terms that caring for them is a Christian moral mandate.
recently, the Lutheran Immigrations and Refugee Service has come out against
the new policies of our government. I
“At a time when so many people are fleeing unspeakable violence and persecution to seek refuge in the U.S., today’s decision is a drastic contradiction of what it means to be an American. As the world has its eyes on us, it is imperative that President Trump uphold the values that America has always lived by: compassion, empathy, family, human rights, and protection for those seeking a safe haven from danger and persecution,”
I shared this information on Facebook this last week and one of my friends responded:
“I am rapidly getting tired of the blatant bias coming from the leftist church organizations.”
“I guess I am just tired of the politicalization of the church period”.
This is the thing, though.
Our faith OUGHT to shape our politics.
Our politics, however, ought NEVER, shape our faith, for to allow that is to worship another god.
(An aside. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services has long been an unsung hero of our Church. Many of you may recall that during the aftermath of the Vietnam War, the US government turned to us for help resettling the refugees of that war, and congregations across the nation accepted Vietnamese families into their communities and helped them adapt to life in a new country.)
A Biblical
that really matter.
And what
does it mean “to walk humbly with our God?”
First of
all, humility is the recognition that it is not all about us.
It is,
however, about God.
It is,
however, about Jesus.
It is
about what God is doing to save this troubled world.
One of the
hardest lessons I learned was offered to me by my Bishop early on in my
Bishop Ramseth said, “this is not about you.”
This is
not about you.
It is
about Jesus.
We say
that our congregation’s purpose is to welcome, love and serve all in our local
and global community.
recognizes that we affirm that, not because WE are so good at welcoming, loving,
and serving, but because Jesus is.
To walk
with Jesus,
Is to welcome as Jesus welcomes
To serve as Jesus serves
And to love as Jesus first loved us.
We are to
do justice, not because we are just, but because God is just.
We are to
show love and mercy, not because we by nature are so loving and merciful, but
because Jesus is.
We are to
be gracious, not because we are so compassionate, but because God is.
Imagine a Church where people weren't very "religious", didn't spend a lot of time worrying about heaven, but instead devoted themselves to just three things:
-- Doing Justice
-- Loving Kindness
-- And walking humbly with God
That is
the type of Church we are called to be.
And not
just us.
But every
To be the
Body of Christ, is to embody Christ.
And so we
are just, and loving, because Christ is just and loving.
It’s that
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